Academic Accommodation:

Academic accommodation is any adaptation that reduces or eliminates barriers to participation, which arise when a student with a disability interacts with the academic environment.

Academic accommodation may be things like extra time when completing a quiz, test, or exam; a different location to write a quiz, test, or exam; use of computer, adaptive technology, note-taking, alternate formats (e.g., receiving textbooks in audio and/or electronic format); extensions on assignments, etc. Academic accommodation does not guarantee academic achievement in a course/program.

Students seeking academic accommodation related to a chronic or ongoing physical or mental health condition, learning disability, or an existing disability should contact the Intake Coordinator at Queen’s Student Accessibility Services (QSAS) at or 613-533-6000 ext. 77628.

Academic Consideration:

Academic consideration refers to an action or actions taken by an instructor or the Faculty Office, in response to a student with an extenuating circumstance who requests academic consideration. Academic consideration includes but is not limited to: an excused absence, a deferral, an extension, a modified schedule for assignments, projects, labs, or placements, an alternative assignment, a re-weighting of term marks, permission for an incomplete grade, late course drop process, or other consideration deemed appropriate by the Faculty Office.

Students receiving academic consideration must continue to meet all essential academic requirements and standards of the course. Academic consideration does not guarantee academic achievement in a course/program.

Academic Integrity:

Academic integrity provides the foundation for learning, teaching, research and service at Queen’s University. Any behaviour that compromises the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility is considered a departure from academic integrity and may be subject to remedies and sanctions as established by Smith Engineering at Queen's. Providing any false or misleading information, or using the forms contained in the Procedures for Academic Considerations for Students in Extenuating Circumstances to delay or avoid fulfilling academic requirements constitutes a departure from academic integrity, and will be investigated. Learn more about academic integrity.


An Attestation Form is a document that you fill out and sign if you are requesting academic consideration for an extenuating circumstance but do not have supporting documentation to support your request for up to 3 days. By filling out and signing the form, you agreed that your request for academic consideration is made in good faith and that any false or misleading information provided constitutes a breach of academic integrity, which could result in you being subject to the university’s Academic Integrity procedures.

To learn how to access the attestation form, please schedule an appointment with the FEAS Program Assistant (Accommodations & Considerations) (email:

If you are requesting an academic consideration for between 4 days – 3 months, you cannot use an attestation form. You must have supporting documentation that provides information about the duration and severity/impact of your extenuating circumstances on your academics. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the FEAS Program Assistant (Accommodations & Considerations): or 613-533-6000, ext. 78013.

Essential Academic Requirements:

Essential academic requirements and standards refer to the knowledge and/or skill that must be acquired and/or demonstrated, for a student to successfully meet the learning outcomes of a course or academic work.

Extenuating Circumstances:

Extenuating circumstances refer to a personal circumstance beyond the student’s control that temporarily interferes with the student’s ability to complete academic requirements related to a course(s) for a short period of time, not to exceed three months.

An extenuating circumstance could be:

  • Short-term physical or mental illness (e.g., stomach flu, mononucleosis, pneumonia, short-term anxiety or depression)
  • Serious injury (e.g., concussion or broken bones)
  • Required treatment (e.g., surgery or medication side effects)
  • Serious injury or illness of significant other (e.g., car accident)
  • Bereavement (e.g., death of family member or close friend)
  • Traumatic event (e.g., divorce, sexual assault)

This may include extenuating circumstances that last for a period of up to 3 days, or between 4 days and 3 months.

See the Supporting Documentation section for recommended options for documentation depending on the nature of your extenuating circumstances.

Extenuating circumstances may also include officially representing the university at a sanctioned event (e.g., Queen’s varsity teams participating in a provincial, national, or international competition where student participation is essential to the success of the team). This may also be through an invitation to share an exceptional talent or ability at a non-university event on a national or international stage (e.g., musical or artistic performance for the Prime Minister, singing at the opening of the PanAm Games, Olympic qualifier, etc.). This type of request requires that you fill out a Request for Excused Absence for a Significant Event form and have it signed by either Athletics & Recreation or Student Affairs.

Incomplete (IN) Grade:

Incomplete standing (IN) is a temporary designation normally reserved for cases where students, because of extenuating circumstances beyond their control, have successfully completed the majority of the graded work, but not all course work (which may include, but is not limited to, assignments, projects, quizzes, mid-terms, and final exams).

All Incomplete designations require appropriate supporting documentation, and must be approved by the Faculty Board Committee. Approval of the instructor must be obtained, and a date will be set for the completion of the work (normally within 9 months of approval). An IN designation will revert to the “default grade” submitted by the instructor after the date set for completion of the work. See Regulation 4b for more information.

Supporting Documentation:

Supporting documentation for your request should include information about the impact on your academics and how long the impact is expected to last. Supporting documentation can be:

  • A Student Wellness Services Verification of Appointment slip (only for requests up to 3 days)
  • A medical report, or medical prescription
  • Verification of Personal Health Condition Form
  • Verification of Confidential Extenuating Circumstances Form
  • A note from a health care professional or other professional (i.e., doctor, nurse practitioner, social worker, counsellor, occupational therapist)
  • An obituary, funeral home posting or death certificate
  • An accident report or police report
  • A court order
  • An Attestation form (only for Academic Consideration up to 3 days) – please schedule an appointment with the FEAS Program Assistant (Accommodations & Considerations) (email:
Urgent information for Engineering students regarding Academic Accommodations as of:
Urgent information for Engineering students regarding Academic Accommodations as of: